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Monday, November 16, 2009

How to: Windows 7 and Ubuntu on the Same Computer

How to: Windows 7 and Ubuntu on the Same Computer: "

dual boot

Learn how to install Windows 7 and Ubuntu on the same hard drive so you aren’t restricted to the limitations of one or the other. With this guide, you can dual boot the opposing operating systems and run them in perfect harmony on the same computer.

What You’ll Need:

  • Windows 7 installation disk

  • Ububtu 9.10 installation image

  • Finally, don’t forget to back up your data beforehand.

How it Works:


To put it simply, most of this guide is straightforward and easy to follow. It’s nothing too daunting and even if you’re a little intimidated by the proposition of potentially frying your PC, there’s plenty of screenshots and accurate instructions to keep you on the right track.

Windows 7 is installed first and the hard drive is then configured to accept Ubuntu. Once Ubuntu is installed, the remainder of the guide is telling you how to get them to work together without causing crashes or a complete meltdown of your computer.


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