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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Official Microsoft Policy: If You a Buy a Used Xbox 360 That's Banned From Xbox Live, You're Just Screwed [Xbox 360]

Official Microsoft Policy: If You a Buy a Used Xbox 360 That's Banned From Xbox Live, You're Just Screwed [Xbox 360]: "

Major Nelson, updating us on a periodic Xbox Live purge—banhammering cheaters, pirates and other folks of ill-repute, though not 12-year-olds—reminds us of Microsoft's official policy that if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been banned, you're screwed.

The crux of the matter is that the warranty on an Xbox 360 "is not transferable," so if you buy a used console "that has been previously banned, you will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE." So if you buy a used Xbox 360, make sure it's from a less-than-shady party—and if you buy from a used games shop, make 'em connect it to Xbox Live so you know you're getting something that works. [Major Nelson]


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