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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stunning Milky Way's Heart Image Combines Three Space Telescope Views In One [Space]

Stunning Milky Way's Heart Image Combines Three Space Telescope Views In One [Space]: "

I've seen many amazing, inspiring, and humbling deep space images, but this look inside the heart of our very own galaxy has left me without superlatives. Zoom in to get the 2820x1409 pixel image, and see how it was made.

Click on the images to zoom in

This new six-by-three-foot multi-wavelength image combines three visions of the Milky Way's center: A near-infrared image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, an infrared view from the Spitzer Space Telescope, and an X-ray vision from the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

It was created to commemorate the International Year of Astronomy, which marks 400 years since a curioser and curioser man called Galileo Galilei pointed his telescope to the truth out there, back in 1609. [NASA]


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