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Monday, December 21, 2009

Build your own DVR from an old PC

Build your own DVR from an old PC: "


A DVR (Digital Video Recorder) helps all TV addicts record their favorite TV shows but a branded product like TiVo can be expensive. Instead, learn to make your own PC based DVR by following this thorough tutorial. A custom built DVR lets you do away with the subscriptions. Plus you can extend it by adding extras of your own.


What you’ll need:

  1. An old computer

  2. TV Tuner (Cheap on Ebay)

  3. DVR software

  4. Free options: MythTV (Linux), GB-PVR (Windows) and Freevo (Linux)

The tutorial uses SageTV, paid DVR software, for its ease of installation and the fact that you can extend it for a complete homebrew solution. The tutorials below take a more open source point of view using free software.

More DIY DVRs:


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