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Monday, December 14, 2009

Emperor 1510 Provides Cheaper Death Star Workstation Experience [Emperor Workstation]

Emperor 1510 Provides Cheaper Death Star Workstation Experience [Emperor Workstation]: "

Remember the Emperor 200 workstation? All $40,000 of it? Well there's a cheaper version coming soon. Emphasis on the 'er' because even if we're billing this new one as a budget offering, it certainly isn't cheap.

This new model is called the Emperor 1510. For $4,950, you get about the same shape as the big brother, as well as a number of its high end features. These include seat tilting, integrated audio, LED lighting and an inferiority complex the likes of which no IT department has ever seen.

This guy launches December 15, with any purchaser's ego following it into the stratosphere soon after. [Novel Quest via Born Rich]


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