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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Capturing the Veined Beauty of Lightning [Photography]

Capturing the Veined Beauty of Lightning [Photography]: "

Acclaimed Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto has turned his attention to electricity, with a new project entitled Lightning Fields. The word uses a Van de Graaf generator to run 400,000 volts through a metal table, creating remarkable patterns and designs.

In a recent interview, Sugimoto explained both the artistic and practical underpinnings of the project:

'I see the spark of life itself, the lightning that struck the primordial ooze...I have a kitchen's worth of utensils that produce sparks with different characteristics...But there are many variables - weather, humidity, perhaps even what I had for breakfast - I'm never sure what influences the results.'

Some samples of his work are below. You can check out more of them here.


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