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Thursday, February 4, 2010

DIY Photography: Incredible Laser-Triggered Camera Rig

DIY Photography: Incredible Laser-Triggered Camera Rig: "

Learn how to build an incredibly photography rig to take detailed macro photos of insects, water drops, or anything else you desire. The project was built by (believe it or not) a grandpa who goes by “fotoopa.” The entire setup is detailed on his Flickr page as well as collections of his insect and waterdrop high-speed photograph collection.

The setup obviously yields incredibly results, but it’s quite complex. If you’re looking for a more simple solution, check out the Arduino laser triggered camera rig.

Camera Rig Setup:


He has literally thousands of photos of all sorts of insects both in flight and still. A massive collection of superb photography.

Water Droplets:

The classic water drop shots catch stunning visuals of colored droplets which are trigged by the droplet breaking a laser beam.

Popular DIY Photography Projects:


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