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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Is This? [Image Cache]

What Is This? [Image Cache]: "

So what on earth is this? Some dried-up riverbed somewhere? A black and white shot from the Mars Rover? The real answer might leave you spinning:

What you're looking at is a single groove in a vinyl record, magnified 1,000x. Those lumpy parts? Dust.

The image was captured under an electron microscope by Chris Supranowitz, a researcher at the University of Rochester. There's no word on what specific record we're looking at, but I'm going to assume that a picture as badass as this one belongs to Led Zeppelin IV.

By contrast, here's a shot of a boring ol' CD magnified 20,000x:

A little too disease-like for my taste. Probably something by O-Town. [SynthGear via The Daily What]


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