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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Imagine An Android Device That Could Boot in One Second

Imagine An Android Device That Could Boot in One Second: "

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OK you can stop imagining now, because it seems that it’s already a reality. A company called Ubiquitous has come up with a unique boot solution – being called QuickBoot – that allows a device to boot up before you’re even given a chance to put it down.

The technology they used isn’t really speeding up the actual boot process that Android has to go through, but rather restoring a running image of Android by intelligently restoring parts of the device’s memory in sequential order. Think “standby” mode on your desktop or laptop PC, or – even more appropriately (in terms of how it works) – hibernate mode.


Chris Pirillo offers a bit more insight on the specifics here. Ubiquitous is providing the SDK for QuickBoot to OEMs who might be interested in using this technology for their devices (tablets and MIDs come to mind, here). What would your life be like with an Android that boots in one second?

[via ARMDevices.net]


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