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Friday, July 2, 2010

HDBaseT- new cable technology to replace your power, ethernet, and HDMI cable

HDBaseT- new cable technology to replace your power, ethernet, and HDMI cable: "


New cable technology on the horizon may be the closest thing to the Holy Grail of cabling; by offering a single cable replacement for your power cable, ethernet cable and HDMI cable. Dubbed HDBaseT, the new technology was co-developed over the past six months by LG, Samsung, Sony Pictures, and Valens Semiconductor. HDBaseT uses a single RJ45 cable to carry audio, HD video, ethernet, and even a 100 watts of power to a device. Unlike its HDMI counterpart, which is limited to approximately 15 meters in length, HDBaseT supports cables up to 100 meters long. If the technology catches on, we could see devices with HDBaseT support by the end of the year and wide-scale adoption in 2011.



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