Welcome to DJ's Junk Drawer.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

The 122 Best PC Games Of The Last 22 Years

The 122 Best PC Games Of The Last 22 Years: "


…in our opinion. Where once this list denoted the singular tastes of six separate minds, now we are bonded into one, mighty Hivemind. This, then, is The List Of Lists. All games have been re-ordered by release date, revealing one year in particular as the best that PC gaming has ever seen so far. Which do you think that might be?

These are Rock, Paper, Shotgun’s most favoured PC games between the sacred period 1989 to 2011: all of these games are each in their own way precious, vital things that deserve to have shrines erected in their honour, first-borns sacrificed to them, that sort of thing. Is your favourite game missing? Well, you haven’t asked us what our 123rd best PC game is, have you? Aha! And don’t get us started on the 177th. This list is, of course, merely the start of the discussion, not the end of it – there are many more gems undocumented here, so please do suggest them. Perhaps one day soon we shall add to the list (and, indeed, expand the years covered). Meantime, clicking on each game-name will take you to a short essay on why we’ve chosen it and a few thoughts on why we believe it has a certain degree of importance beyond mere personal fondness.

Behold! THE LIST!

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