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Thursday, February 28, 2013

What goes around, comes around: U.S. hackers attack China

What goes around, comes around: U.S. hackers attack China:
China Hackers US Attack
Dozens of reports of cyber-attacks on U.S. companies originating in China have emerged over the past few years. But as these attacks were taking place, hackers in the U.S. were allegedly targeting at least two websites belonging to China's military. China officials claim U.S. hackers targeted the Defense Ministry's website and a site belonging to its newspaper, the People's Liberation Army Daily, an average of 144,000 times per month in 2012, The Associated Press reported. Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng issued the accusation, and said that the Chinese military has never supported any hacking activity targeting the U.S. "Like other countries, China faces a serious threat from hacking and is one of the primary victims of hacking in the world," Geng told reporters. "Numbers of attacks have been on the rise in recent years."

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