Welcome to DJ's Junk Drawer.

I will unofficially update this website on random dates within any random time interval.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Google Adjusts Algorithm to Remove Holocaust-Denying Results and Other Fake News

After it was widely reported that the first Google search result for “Did the Holocaust happen?” was from Stormfront, a white supremacist website, Google decided to alter its algorithm to remove Holocaust denial sites all together. But Google had a change of heart.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2hhgsIM

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Donald Trump Has No Clue About Nukes

Earlier this year, it became blatantly obvious that President-elect Donald Trump had no idea what the nuclear triad was. Earlier this afternoon, Donald Trump exposed himself once more as a know-nothing when it comes to nuclear weapons.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2igIOI8

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Russia hacked U.S. presidential election for Trump, says CIA

The Washington Post reported Friday evening that the CIA says Russia intervened in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Donald Trump win, rather than just to undermine confidence in the political system as was reported during the campaign.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gn3ugW

Thursday, December 1, 2016

FBI granted the right to hack the computers of any suspect running Tor, VPNs or anonymizing software

Starting today, the FBI will now have a much easier time hacking just about any computer it wants to. The use of VPNs and other anonymizing software such as Tor meant that it was previously difficult for the Feds to apply for the necessary warrant within the relevant jurisdiction.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gJqkPv

Children synthesize $2 version of Martin Shkreli's $750 malaria drug

The smirking, villainous pharma-hedge-douche-bro Martin Shkreli (previously) bought the rights to the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim -- used to treat malaria, a disease that disproportionately affects the poorest people in the world -- and jacked the price from $13.50/dose to $750/dose.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2fPuRLq

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Senate fails to stop FBI's expanded hacking authority

So much for that bipartisan Senate bid to prevent the FBI from gaining expanded hacking powers.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gLTSZ7

Death defying extreme downhill mountain bike racing

Here's a GoPro view of mountain bike racer Dan Atherton, who broke his neck in 2010, riding down a treacherous mountain trail. From the https://youtu.be/DhBPFr3RRso description:

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2fQS1UZ

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11 Simple Techniques to Wake Up Earlier Every Morning

Even if you’re a night owl, you can still have more productive mornings if you put in a little effort to make getting up easier. Of course, it still won’t be easy, but if you like the idea of a more relaxing start to the day, here are some suggestions to get you started.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2g2XFBe

Religion and gambling have the same effect on your brain

Finding Jesus can feel a lot like falling in love, winning an award or getting high because all of these events activate the same reward circuits in the brain, according to a new study from the University of Utah.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gHt38v

Monday, November 28, 2016

New magnetic field theory gets us closer to nuclear fusion

Researchers from the US Department of Energy (DoE) and Princeton University have developed a new theory on plasma that could help scientists figure out solar flares and fusion power.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gBZNRy

Watch a Helicopter Pilot Nail a Ship Landing in a Ridiculous Storm

You know that queasy feeling you get in your stomach when the pilot of a large passenger plane has to make a rough landing in bad weather? Just try and imagine what this Royal Danish Air Force pilot was feeling while trying to land a Seahawk MH-60R helicopter on a boat while both were being tossed a

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gcutdO

Diamonds convert nuclear waste into clean batteries

Nuclear waste is normally a major environmental headache, but it could soon be a source of clean energy. Scientists have developed a method of turning that waste into batteries using diamond.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gbUnPd

Thursday, November 24, 2016

One third of California's trees are dead

California's perma-drought has led to the death of more that 102 million trees in the last six years.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2gFAgdd

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’

What do the Amish lobby, gay wedding vans and the ban of the national anthem have in common? For starters, they’re all make-believe — and invented by the same man.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2eJ7xnd

Apple Reportedly Throttling iPhone 7 Models With Qualcomm Modems To Match Versions With Intel Modems

This week, a report ousted Apple's decision to throttle the Qualcomm modem found in most of its iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models to match the performance of the Intel modem found in other versions.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2fuLJI7

Friday, November 18, 2016

Stephen Hawking warns humanity may only have 1,000 years left

Famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has spent his life pondering big questions about the wider universe. In recent years, he’s turned his attention closer to home, talking about AI, climate change, alien invasion, and other threats to the future of humanity.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2fbaStC

Thursday, November 17, 2016

TV Problems

from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1760/

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Watch a robot solve a Rubiks Cube in 0.637 seconds

Today, classic puzzles. Tomorrow, deep-dreamed enemies of freedom!

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2fHtLTD


from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1758/

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

These Fake Fingerprint Stickers Let You Access a Protected Phone While Wearing Gloves

Gloves that work on touchscreen devices are nothing new—they’ve existed almost as long as smartphones have. But gloves that can unlock a mobile device that’s protected with a fingerprint reader? It might be a solution to a first world problem, but it’s a problem we’re happy is solved.

from Pocket http://gizmodo.com/these-fake-fingerprint-stickers-let-you-access-a-protec-1788710313/amp

Vladimir Putin Congratulates Donald Trump Via Telegram

Now that Donald Trump is our President-elect, his best buddy and literal comic book villain Vladimir Putin has sent his congratulations. You might think that Putin would do this over a phone call, because that seems like the right and polite thing to do. Or if not a call, at least a text.

from Pocket http://gizmodo.com/vladimir-putin-congratulates-donald-trump-via-telegram-1788750520/amp

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A fake HP printer that's actual an office-camouflaged cellular eavesdropping device

Julian Oliver is a playful and media-savvy security researcher; previously, he documented hidden cell-phone towers in bad disguises and produced a hand-grenade shaped "transparency device" that spied on everything going on in the room.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2f6gOED

A Naked Black Hole Is Screaming Through the Universe

Artist’s conception of how the “nearly naked” supermassive black hole originated. Image: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSFMillions of years ago, B3 1715+425 was just an ordinary supermassive black hole.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2f6ekpS

Schiaparelli lander crash site

NASA released a color image of the Schiaparelli Mars landing site that illustrates the descent speed issue quite nicely.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2f6d2eI

Old Days

from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1755/

Saturday, November 5, 2016

We May Actually See a Live-Action Voltron Movie In Our Lifetime

The phrase “live-action Voltron movie” is one of those mythic internet movie stories. Every few years, it pops up, looks around, and goes back into its hole. Well, here’s its latest appearance.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2fpBncj

Get Ready for the Supermoon of a Lifetime

Entire lifetimes have come and gone without the moon looking quite as large as it will this month. On November 14th, skygazers will witness the closest full moon, or “supermoon,” of 2016.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2enFPaz

Friday, October 28, 2016

The FCC Passes New Rules to Protect Consumer Data From ISPs

In a 3-2 vote, the FCC just passed new rules targeting internet service providers who collect user data. Going forward, ISPs that collect data must get explicit permission from users before selling that data to third parties.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2e61WoY

Interplanetary Experience

from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1752/

Friday, October 21, 2016

By stealing from innocents, Chicago PD amassed tens of millions in a secret black budget for surveillance gear

Since 2009, the Chicago Police Department has seized $72M worth of property from people who were not convicted of any crime, through the discredited civil forfeiture process, keeping $48M worth of the gains (the rest went to the Cook County prosecutor's office and the Illinois State Police) in an

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2eofmM2

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

Republican candidate Donald Trump is making accusations that the election is “rigged” against him, even suggesting the possibility of voter fraud.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2dqTstJ

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

Voter ID laws are back in the news once again, with two new opinions from the Wisconsin Supreme Court late last week dealing with the state's ID requirement, which would allow people to vote only if they provide certain forms of government-issued ID.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/1QMGrWQ

Voter fraud numbers: 31 faked IDs among 1 billion votes

Fans of Arkansas's voter-identification law and similar laws in other states should pay homage to a Tulane University professor who rounded up all the evidence of why such laws are needed, which has been lacking in legislative debates and in courts where the laws are challenged.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2emsqDu

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Though crime happens everywhere, predictive policing tools send cops to poor/black neighborhoods

Researchers from the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (previously) obtained a copy of the Predpol predictive policing system that police departments around America have spent a fortune on in order to find out where to set their patrols, and fed it Oakland's 2010 arrest data, then asked it to predic

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2egSKzi

Saturday, October 8, 2016


from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1743/

The True Scale of Nuclear Bombs Is Totally Frightening

Nuclear weapons are already scary enough, but when you dig deeper and find out how powerful the weapons truly are, they get even more terrifying. The weapons we’ve built after the first atomic bombs are so strong that you can basically use Hiroshima as a unit of measurement.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2d0GrlI

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Cop (unsuccessfully) sued department for releasing video of him abusing suspect

A federal appeals court on Monday dismissed a lawsuit brought by a fired Oklahoma police officer who sued his former department for damages after the agency released a video of the officer roughing up a suspect.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2drhaDD

Thursday, September 29, 2016

D-Wave's 2,000-Qubit Quantum Annealing Computer Now 1,000x Faster Than Previous Generation

D-Wave, a Canadian company developing the first commercial “quantum computer,” announced its next-generation quantum annealing computer with 2,000 qubits, which is twice as many as its previous generation had.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2dA4fi7

This Old Ass Commodore 64 Is Still Being Used to Run an Auto Shop in Poland

Hell yeah. We need to learn a lesson about needless consumerism from this auto repair shop in Gdansk, Poland. Because it still uses a Commodore 64 to run its operations. Yes, the same Commodore 64 released 34 years ago that clocked in at 1 MHz and had 64 kilobytes of RAM.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2dsODBh

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Genes Hold the Key to the Water Bear's Indestructibility 

Tardigrades, also known as “water bears,” are microscopic animals capable of withstanding some of the most severe environmental conditions. Researchers from Japan have now created the most accurate picture yet of the tardigrade genome, revealing the neat tricks it uses to stay alive.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2cFiFOG

Monday, September 19, 2016

Gamers beat scientists to making a protein discovery

It's no great shock to see citizen scientists make discoveries that professionals miss, but making it through a video game? That's different.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2daaf12

Friday, August 26, 2016

Linear Regression

from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1725/

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Inmates Made Thousands Of Unsafe Helmets For U.S. Troops

After multiple investigations, the Department of Justice found that a company that employed prisoners to build U.S. military helmets produced thousands of defective products, putting combat soldiers at risk.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2b8AL8T

US Army committed $6.5 trillion in accounting fraud in one year

In June, the Defense Department’s Inspector General released a report on the US Army's accounting, revealing that the Army had invented $6.5 trillion in "improper adjustments" ($2.8T in one quarter!) to make its books appear balanced though it could not account for where the funds had gone.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bbC9ZM

Friday, August 19, 2016

Cracking passwords using Nvidia's latest GTX 1080 GPU (it's fast)

During the last few years, progress on the CPU performance front has seemingly stopped. Granted, last-generation CPUs are cool, silent and power-efficient. Anecdotal evidence: my new laptop, a brand new MacBook, is about as fast as the Dell ultrabook it replaced.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bRyvbL

Idiocracy Director Says It's 'Scary' How Accurate His Movie Has Become

These days Mike Judge is busy with his HBO show Silicon Valley, but back in 2006 he made a movie that would become an instant cult classic. Set in a dystopian future, Idiocracy is now a cultural touchstone for people who think the world just keeps getting dumber.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bnJUKV

Monday, July 18, 2016

iOS 10 beta 3 was just released for the iPhone and iPad

It looks like Apple still has a surprise or two up with leave every now and again. One day I had of schedule, for at least the schedule everyone was expecting, Apple released the third beta version of its latest mobile software.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/29P1E0a

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Astronomers map 1.2 million galaxies in colossal 3D image

After spending a decade measuring the stars, scientists just released a 3D map spanning 1.2 million galaxies. But it also measures the universe's expansion over time, giving credence to the theory that dark energy played a role in its increasing size.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2a4XrLo

Monday, July 11, 2016

We Finally Know What's Inside the Crab Nebula

The Crab Nebula is one of the most photographed and studied objects in space. But we didn’t know what was inside until now, when astronomers got a look at the strange mess that lies beneath. Hubble grabbed this new shot of the exploded star spinning at the center of the nebula.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/29Coxru