Welcome to DJ's Junk Drawer.

I will unofficially update this website on random dates within any random time interval.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Linear Regression

from Pocket http://xkcd.com/1725/

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Inmates Made Thousands Of Unsafe Helmets For U.S. Troops

After multiple investigations, the Department of Justice found that a company that employed prisoners to build U.S. military helmets produced thousands of defective products, putting combat soldiers at risk.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2b8AL8T

US Army committed $6.5 trillion in accounting fraud in one year

In June, the Defense Department’s Inspector General released a report on the US Army's accounting, revealing that the Army had invented $6.5 trillion in "improper adjustments" ($2.8T in one quarter!) to make its books appear balanced though it could not account for where the funds had gone.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bbC9ZM

Friday, August 19, 2016

Cracking passwords using Nvidia's latest GTX 1080 GPU (it's fast)

During the last few years, progress on the CPU performance front has seemingly stopped. Granted, last-generation CPUs are cool, silent and power-efficient. Anecdotal evidence: my new laptop, a brand new MacBook, is about as fast as the Dell ultrabook it replaced.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bRyvbL

Idiocracy Director Says It's 'Scary' How Accurate His Movie Has Become

These days Mike Judge is busy with his HBO show Silicon Valley, but back in 2006 he made a movie that would become an instant cult classic. Set in a dystopian future, Idiocracy is now a cultural touchstone for people who think the world just keeps getting dumber.

from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bnJUKV