If you were to ask me what I like most about turning forty this year, I’d have two answers. The first is that I’m that much closer to the senior discount at Denny’s, which is pretty nifty.
As catchy as its opening theme was, music from the original Transformers cartoon has never had an official release. Hasbro and Legacy Recordings fix that grave oversight on March 9 with the release of Hasbro Studios Presents ‘80s TV Classics: Music from The Transformers. On vinyl, no less.
Unlike most concept-to-production transformations, not much has been lost here with respect to styling on the I-PACE. The vehicle advances Jaguar's current design language and applies it to a lifted four-door "coupe" profile (even though we hate the coupe term when used for anything but a two-door).
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the country’s Federal Assembly today, showing off some impressive new weapons in the process. One of the concept videos even showed a nuclear strike using multiple warheads against the United States.