Welcome to DJ's Junk Drawer.

I will unofficially update this website on random dates within any random time interval.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Here Are The First-Ever Images From the Dark Matter Telescope

Scientists just released the first-ever images taken with the German space agency’s X-ray telescope eROSITA, at an event at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics.

from Pocket https://ift.tt/36chWyP


from Pocket https://xkcd.com/2221/

Mars just barfed up InSight’s probe and NASA doesn’t know why

Hey, so, funny story: Remember a couple of weeks back when NASA declared that a plan to get its Mars InSight probe to dig deeper into the planet’s surface had worked? It was exciting, since it meant the probe might finally be able to get deep enough to fulfill its destiny and return important data

from Pocket https://ift.tt/2JvV97c

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Christianity Collapsing In America

The religious landscape of the United States continues to change at a rapid clip. In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade.

from Pocket https://ift.tt/2MOf1TX